Workshop 1: AWS EC2 - Part 1

After logging into AWS console, click on Services -> EC2 Dashboard.

EC2 Dashboard should open up.
Click on Launch Instance button.

Step 1: Here you need to choose an AMI image for your Amazon EC2 instance.
In this step, you can choose an AMI from Quick start which consists of popular AMIs like Amazon Linux, SUSE Linux, RedHat Linux, Windows Server 2016 etc.
Or you can select "MyAMIs" and select the AMIs that you have created and saved.
Or you can select AMIs from AWS Marketplace.
Or you can select Community AMIs where you can search publicly saved AMIs.
For the purpose of this tutorial, please select Amazon Linux AMI to proceed.

Step 2: Choose an instance type.
In this screen you can select an instance type for the AMI to run your applications.
Each instance type has different combination of CPU, Memory, RAM, Hard disk, Network features etc. You can choose an instance type that best fits your application requirements.
Example of few instance types:
t2.nano: This instance type gives 1 CPU core, 0.5 GB RAM, Storage: EBS to be configured and moderate network performance.
t2.micro: This instance type gives 1 CPU core, 1 GB RAM, Storage: EBS to be configured and moderate network performance.
For the purpose of this demo, please select t2.micro instance type to proceed.

Step 3: Configure instance details.
In this screen you can configure your instance. For example, you can configure the number of instances you want to launch. Or you can setup spot instances to take advantage of pricing.
Please note that you should have a VPC created first to be able to use this screen.
For this demo, you can set the following values in this screen:

Number of Instances: 1
Network: Select a VPC you created.
Subnet: Select a subnet in 1b region.
Auto assign Public IP: Enable. - This gives us a public IP address which the world can use to connect to our EC2 instance.
IAM Role: Select None for now.
Shutdown behavior: Stop
Enable Terminal Protection: unchecked
Monitoring: unchecked
Tenancy: Shared - Run a shared hardware instance.

Network Interfaces: Leave the defaults.
Once configured, please proceed to next step: Add Storage.

Step 4: Add Storage
Whatever we configure in the Storage screen, is what our instance will be launched with.
By default, AWS will create a Root volume. We can change the root volume settings like size, volume type etc.
We can also add additional volumes to our instance.

To add additional volumes, click on "Add New Volume" button. An extra row will appear in the grid to configure.
Please enter the following data to the extra volume for the purpose of this tutorial.
Volume Type: EBS - Elastic Block Storage volume.
Device: /dev/sdb
Snapshot: 2020 - You can enter a snapshot ID. This ID can be used to make backups etc.
Size: 20 GB
Volume Type: General Purpose SSD (GP2)
Delete On Termination: Unchecked
Once configured, please proceed to next step: Add Tags.

Step 5: Add Tags
A tag in AWS is a case sensitive key-value pair.
For instance we can create a tag, Key = "Company", Value="AwesomeKewlCorporation"
When we add a tag in the EC2 screen, it can get applied to all instances and volumes on that instance.
Or we can also pick and choose where the tag needs to get applied.

For the purpose of this tutorial, create the following tag.
Key: Name
Value: dragonvm
Instances: Checked
Volumes: Checked
Once added, please proceed to the next step: Configure Security Groups.

Previous: Route 53 | Next: Workshop 1: AWS EC2 - Part 2
