Workshop 1: AWS EC2 - Part 2

Step 6: Configure Security Group.
A Security group in AWS is a set of firewall rules. Using a security group, you can configure on what type of traffic is allowed to reach your EC2 instance.
For example, if you want only web traffic to reach your EC2 instance, you can only add HTTP/HTTPS port.
If you want remote terminal logic, you can add SSH port.

In this page, we can either create a new Security Group and define the set of firewall rules.
Or alternatively, we can select an already existing security group.

For the purpose of this tutorial, please create the Security group with the following values.
Assign a security group: Check the radio button: Create a new security group.
Security group name: launch-wizard-13
Description: any valid description.

Firewall rules:
Type: SSH
Source: Custom -

Type: HTTP
Source: Anywhere, ::/0

AWS displays a warning: Rules with source allows all IP address to access your instance.
This warning is valid, ideally we need to give access only to the IP addresses we trust.
But we can ignore this warning for the purpose of this tutorial.
Once complete, please proceed to the next step: "Review and Launch"

Step 7: Review Instance Launch
In this screen, we can see a summary of what we have configured so far in the previous steps.
If we feel something is not configured correct, we can click on Edit link next to that step and make changes.
Any warnings, AWS feels is necessary to display will also be seen in this page.
Once ready, please click on the "Launch" button.

Step 8: Selecting a key pair or creating a new key pair.
A key pair in Cryptography is a combination of public key and a private key.
A public key is what you share with the world, and a private key is what you keep with yourself.
Someone with access to your public key can then authenticate with your system, if you have the private key.
This will allow them to connect to your instance in a secure way.

For the purpose of this tutorial, choose "Create a new key pair", and then give a name to it.
key pair name: 2017kewlkey
Once done, you can click on "Download Key Pair".
This will allow you to download the private key file.
Store the private key file in a secure location. You will not be able to download it again!
Once done, please click on "Launch Instances" button.

Step 9: Launch Status and Instances Screen.
Next AWS EC2 will display the launch status screen. From this screen, you get an option to view Launch logs.
It may take a few minutes for your instance to come to a Running status.
You can select the instance ID to go the Instances screen.

In the instances screen, you can see the status of the instance you launched.
If you remove the filter, you can see all the instances you have launched on AWS.
In the bottom panel, you have options to see the Instance description, Status Checks, Monitoring and Tags.
Once the instance is in "Running" state, please click on "Connect" button.

Step 10: Connect to your Instance.
Once you select the Connect button, AWS provides two choices.
1. You can connect with a standalone SSH client.
2. You can use a Java SSH client directly from browser.

For this tutorial, let us connect using a standalone SSH client.
We can use a popular SSH software, called PuTTY to connect.
AWS provides a link on how to connect using PuTTY.

Keep the private key you downloaded before launching the instance ready.
In this screen, AWS displays the public DNS.
Once ready, please click on the "Close" button.

Congratulations! In this workshop you created your first Amazon AWS EC2 instance and launched it to the world.
In the next Workshop, let us see how to connect to that instance using PuTTY and configure software in it.

Previous: Workshop 1: AWS EC2 - Part 1 | Next: Workshop 2: Web Application on EC2
