Workshop 2: Web Application on EC2

Workshop 2: Run a Web Application on your EC2 instance.

In this workshop, let us see how to connect to our EC2 instance and run a web application.

Step 1: Download PuTTY and PuTTY Key Generator.
The private key file AWS created for us - .pem file is not recognized by PuTTY.
So we need to first convert it to a format PuTTY understands - ppk format.

To do that, we need to download PuTTY key generator.
PuTTY key generator is available from the same website that created PuTTY.
PuTTY Link: PuTTY Website
Alternatively perform a search for "PuTTY" and "PuTTY Key Generator".

Step 2: Convert pem file to ppk file.
Go to the folder where you have downloaded PuTTY.
Open the file puttygen.exe.

Click on the Load button and select the private key *.pem file which you downloaded during EC2 instance creation.
Once you load the key, you can then click on "Save private key" button. Save as *.ppk file in a secure location.

Step 3: Connect to EC2 instance using PuTTY
Once the above steps are done, open putty.exe.
On the left hand nav bar, go to Session -> Connection -> SSH -> Auth

This will open "Options controlling SSH authentication"
Here, in the section called "Private key file for authentication:" - browse and select the ppk file you have saved.

In the left hand nav bar, click on "Session".
Here enter the following and click on login:
Host name or IP address: ec2-user@< public dns address >
Port: 22

Once entered, you can click on "Open" button.
Now PuTTY will use the key you provided and connect via SSH to your EC2 instance.

Step 4: Install Web Server, Create a web page and start the web server.
We logged into our EC2 instance as ec2-user. To be able to install a web server, we need to become root user.
Use the following command to become root user.
sudo -su root

Once you become root, you can use yum install command to install web server.
Use the following command to install the web server.
yum install httpd

Now, go to folder /var/www/html, which is the default folder used by the web server to serve web pages.
cd /var/www/html
In this folder, please create a file index.html, with the following content. (You can write your own HTML code if are aware of HTML.)

cat > index.html
<h1 color="red">ShyamWobServices</h1>
Welcome to WobServices

Press Ctrl+C to exit out of cat editing session.
Now final step is to restart our web server. You can do that using the following command.
service httpd restart

Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

Now, open a web browser, and enter the IP address or public host name of your EC2 instance.
You should now see a web page displayed.

Congratulations! You hosted your first web application using Amazon web services.

Previous: Workshop 1: AWS EC2 - Part 2 | Next: Workshop 3: Add Volume
