Workshop 6: VPC
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In this workshop we will see how to create a VPC in AWS.
We will also see how to create subnets under the VPC.
We will then connect the VPC to an Internet gateway and configure a routing table.
All tutorials under this workshop happen under VPC Dashboard. Please select Services -> VPC.
Step 1: Create VPC
Click on "Your VPCs" and press the "Create VPC" button.
The Create VPC dialog box will open up.
In this screen you can enter the following data.
Name tag: Enter the name for your VPC
IPv4 CIDR block: IPv4 Address range - Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
IPv6 CIDR block: We can either disabled IPv6 CIDR block or use Amazon provided IPv6 CIDR block.
Tenancy: You can set to either Default or dedicated tenancy.
For the purpose of this tutorial, please enter the following values.
Name tag: DiscoVPC
IPv4 CIDR block:
IPv6 CIDR block: "No IPv6 CIDR Block"
Tenancy: Default
Once entered, please click the "Yes, Create" button.
This will create a new VPC called DiscoVPC.
Step 2: Create two subnets under the VPC.
Click on "Subnets" in the left nav bar and click on "Create Subnet" button.
This will open the create subnet dialog box. The following values can be entered.
Name tag: The name of the subnet.
VPC: Select box where we can choose the VPC where these subnets will be created.
VPC CIDRs: This will display the CIDR block set on the VPC.
Availability Zone: Region for the subnet.
IPv4 CIDR Block: Type the CIDR block that will be used by the subnet to assign IP addresses.
Care must be taken the IPv4 CIDR block of one subnet does not clash with the IPv4 address of another subnet under the same VPC.
Create two subnets with the following values under the VPC -> DiscoVPC.
Subnet 1:
Name tag: DiscoHRSubnet
Availability Zone: Select your region 1a (in my case: ap-south-1a)
IPv4 CIDR Block:
Subnet 2:
Name tag: DiscoTechSubnet
Availability Zone: Select your region 1b (in my case: ap-south-1b)
IPv4 CIDR Block:
Once you created the two subnets, you should be able to see them under Subnets grid.
Step 3: Create Internet Gateway and attach to VPC
In the VPC Dashboard, click on Internet Gateways.
Click on the button "Create Internet Gateway" and create an Internet gateway with the name "DiscoGate".
Once created, select the gateway "DiscoGate" in the grid and click on "Attach to VPC button".
A dialog box will open. Select "DiscoVPC" from the drop down and then press on "Yes, Attach" button.
Step 4: Create a Route table
In VPC dashboard, click on "Route Tables", and the click on "Create Route Table button".
The "Create Route Table" dialog box opens up. Here you can specify the following values.
Name tag: Name of the routing table.
VPC: Drop down to select the VPC to which this route table will be linked.
For this tutorial, please enter the following values and click on "Yes, Create" button.
Name tag: DiscoRoute
VPC: Select DiscoVPC
Step 5: Create routes in the Route table.
You should now be able to see the route "DiscoRoute" in the grid.
Select DiscoRoute and in the details panel, select the tab called "Routes".
Click on the edit button and enter the following values:
Row 1:
Target: local
Row 2:
Target: Select the Internet gateway we created "DiscoGate"
Save the changes you made.
Step 6: Link the two subnets to the route table.
In the VPC dashboard, click on Subnets.
Click on DiscoHRSubnet in the grid.
In the details panel, select the route table, and edit it.
In the Change to drop down, select "DiscoRoute" route table we created.
Click on "Save" button.
Repeat the same steps for DiscoTechSubnet.
Congratulations! You have now created a VPC in Amazon web services, that is Internet facing.
You will now be able to create EC2 instances in this VPC and deploy applications on the Internet.