Kotlin Abstract Classes

An Abstract class is a class in Kotlin that cannot be instantiated. Sometimes during your class design, you may create class that are not complete or that are complete but do not make sense to be instantiated on their own. So we can declare such classes as abstract class. We cannot create an instance of an abstract class. We can however, create a subclass of an abstract class.
An abstract class can have abstract methods. These methods needs to be implemented by the subclass.
An abstract class can also have implemented methods in addition to abstract methods. Note that it is possible to create an abstract class with no abstract methods.

You may wonder what is the purpose of such a class. Well for one, you can subclass an abstract class, and create a concrete class, which builds upon the abstract class and adds more features. Or you can subclass it into another abstract class if it makes sense in your object oriented design. If you subclass an Abstract class into a non abstract class, please note that you need to provide implementation for all the abstract methods throughout the hierarchy. This is by contract, so that you can create instances of the non abstract class. Let us look at an example of an abstract class to understand better.

Abstract class is always open in Kotlin. Let us see sample abstract class in Kotlin.

Creating an abstract class
In the below example, we created an abstract class called Animal, which has an abstract method makeNoise and a non abstract method sleep. We cannot instantiate the class Animal.

abstract class Animal
	abstract fun makeNoise()
	fun sleep()

Subclassing an abstract class
Now, we are sub-classing the Animal abstract class. Since Cat is not an abstract class, it needs to provide implementation for any abstract methods in the parent class. In this case, it needs to provide implementation for makeNoise method.
class Cat : Animal()
	override fun makeNoise()
Now, we are sub-classing the Animal abstract class into another concrete class, Dog. As before since Dog is not an abstract class, it needs to provide implementation for makeNoise method which was declared as abstract in the parent class.
class Dog : Animal()
	override fun makeNoise()
We are now able to create instances of Cat and Dog classes. As you can see makeNoise method outputs based on the implementation.
fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var cat = Cat()

	var dog = Dog()


We will not be able to create Animal class as it is marked as abstract. From object oriented design perspective, it makes no sense to implement makeNoise method on Animal class. When we subclass it to a specific Animal, then it makes sense to implement the method. Hence the method is marked as abstract.

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