Kotlin Classes

Object: An object combination of state and behavior.
Class: A class is a blueprint from which objects are created.

A class in Kotlin is user defined data type. A Class describes what data a construct holds and what functions it performs.
The data and functions of a class can be accessed after creating an instance of a class.
Instance of a class is known as Object.

Let us see an example of a Class in Kotlin. In the following example, we created a class called Employee. It contains two members, empId to represent the employeeId and empName to represent the employee name.

A constructor in class is used to specify how the class is initialized. A constructor can be something as simple as passing values to member variables or it can do complex stuff like allocating database resources, initializing web services etc.
In the following example, we have a constructor that is used to set empId and empName during the time of object creation.

class Employee constructor(_empId: Int, _empName: String)
	var empId: Int
	var empName: String

		empId = _empId
		empName = _empName

Creating the Object
Now that the class is ready, we are ready to create the object. We need to call the special method, the Constructor to pass the employee Id and employee Name. We can call constructor with the class name and pass the parameters.
In the following example, we create an instance of Employee class, called emp1 passing in the empId as 1 and empName as "Mugambo". Then we are accessing the empId and empName with the object name, emp1, and printing the same on the console.
fun main(args: Array<String>)
	val emp1 = Employee(1, "Mugambo")


Default Values in Constructor
We can define default values in constructor. In the example below, we want to pass a default value for employee Id with value 12 and employee Name with value "Robert". We can pass the default value along with the argument declaration as shown below.

Now, one principle of good software development, particularly object oriented development is to not repeat code, as it would increase the maintenance cost. Since we already have a constructor that initializes empId and empName, ideally we would like to reuse the same. So in following example, we use this keyword to pass the default value 12, and employee Name to the existing constructor. this is a keyword that is used to reference the current object.

The reference this is very useful inside of class where you like to reference itself. Outside the class since we have a name for object reference, but inside the class we don't have such a reference. This is where this is useful, excuse the pun.
class Employee constructor(_empId: Int = 12, _empName: String = "Robert")
	var empId: Int
	var empName: String

		empId = _empId
		empName = _empName
    constructor (_empName: String) : this(12, _empName)

fun main(args: Array<String>)
	val emp1 = Employee()


Multiple Constructors
We can also define multiple constructors in Kotlin that can take a variety of argument combinations. Inside the class of Employee let's say I want another constructor that takes employee name only, we can add as shown below. Again we used this reference to call the existing constructor with a predefined value for employee id and then pass the employee name.
class Employee constructor(_empId: Int, _empName: String)
	var empId: Int
	var empName: String

		empId = _empId
		empName = _empName
    constructor (_empName: String) : this(12, _empName)

fun main(args: Array<String>)
	val emp1 = Employee(1, "Mugambo")
    val emp2 = Employee("Robert")


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