Kotlin Data Types

Given below are the non user defined data types in Kotlin language.

  1. Byte
  2. Boolean
  3. Char
  4. Short
  5. Int
  6. Long
  7. Float
  8. Double
  9. String
  10. Array
Data Types in detail
Let's deep dive into each data type.

Byte - Byte is used to represent binary data.
Size: 8 bits
val x: Byte = 1

Char - Char is used to represent character data.
Size: 16 bit unicode
var x: Char = 'a'

Short - Short is used to represent Integer data of 16 bits.
Size: 16 bit
val x: Short = 2

Int - Int is used to represent Integer data of 32 bits.
Size: 32 bits
val x: Int=10

Long - Long is used to represent 64 bit integers.
Size: 64 bits
val x: Long = 100

Float - Float is used to represent floating point numbers upto 32 bits.
Size: 32 bits
val x: Float = 23.17F

Double - Double is used represent double precision floating point numbers.
Size: 64 bits
val x: Double = 17.23

Boolean - Boolean is used to represent a switch that can be true or false.
Sample Data: true or false
val x: Boolean = false

It creates an container of elements grouped together and that can be operated upon together.
We can create an array using arrayOf helper function easily.
Example of Int array:
val i: IntArray = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
We can access elements of an Array via index.


Strings in Kotlin represent a sequence of characters.
Strings are immutable. It means operations on string produces new strings.
We can create string as follows in Kotlin.
val x: String = "Hello World"
Or we can create a multi line string as follows.
val x: String = """The

String Templates
String templates is a powerful feature in Kotlin when a string can contain expression or a variable and it will get evaluated.
val x: String = "Iceberg"
val y: String = "My name is $x"

My name is Iceberg

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