Kotlin Functions

A Function is a set of executable statements that accomplish an objective.
Function in Kotlin is declared using fun keyword. fun keyword is followed by arguments and statements are written within parenthesis.
After arguments a return data type can also be specified.

Syntax of function in Kotlin:

fun funname(arg1: data type, arg2: data type,....): Return data type

Example function to add two integers
In the following example, we created a function called add. It takes two parameters, i and j. Inside the function we are adding i and j, and we are returning the result using the return keyword. Note that we declared the return type as Int in the function header, as specified by Kotlin syntax we saw earlier.
fun add(i: Int, j:Int): Int
	return i+j
Instead of the above syntax, where return type is specified and returned, a function can be inferred.

Example of inferred function:
In following example, we redefined the function add, but instead of specifying a return type and writing the function body, we just used equals operator and added i and j. Internally Kotlin will infer the return data type of i + j, and it will automatically return the result.
fun add(i: Int, j: Int) = i + j

Invoking a function
Calling a function is straight forward. We just need to specify the name and pass in the parameters comma separated as shown below.
val res = add(2, 3)


Default arguments
We can assign default value to some arguments of a function in Kotlin. By doing this it becomes optional to pass value for the default parameters. In the absence of parameter, Kotlin will use the default value instead.
fun add(i: Int, j: Int=3): Int
	return i + j
We have assigned default value 3 to second argument j. We can now call add function as follows. In first example, we didn't pass the second parameter, so it took the default value of 3 and printed the result as 5 (2 + 3).
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val res = add(2)


In the next example, we passed the second parameter as well as 4, so it printed 6 (2 + 4)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val res = add(2, 4)


Returning Unit:
A function that does not return any value is actually returning a type called Unit.
It is optional to specify Unit as return value.
Example of Unit return type:
fun helloKotlin(): Unit
	println("Hello Kotlin")
In above function we are not returning anything so the return type is Unit.

Variable arguments:
A function can have variable numbers of arguments in Kotlin. We can specify this using vararg keyword.
In below example of variable number of arguments, we used vararg keyword to specify variable number of integers in numArgs. We can then iterate over the arguments using for loop.
fun multiplyNums(vararg numArgs: Int): Int
	var result = 1
	for (numArg in numArgs)
	    result = result * numArg
	return result
We are now invoking multiplyNums with three parameters. The result is multiplication of the three parameters.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val res = multiplyNums(2,3,4)


We are now invoking multiplyNums with two parameters. The result is multiplication of the two parameters.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val res = multiplyNums(5,6)


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