Kotlin Generics

Generics are used when we want to create a generic data structures independent of Data Type. Say you want to represent a class or function for your new algorithm, and you want that to work for Integers, Floating points, Strings etc, you can use generics to achieve the same.
Let us see an example to understand better.

Creating a generic class
In the following example we created a class called Datum.

class Datum<T>(t: T) 
	var data = t
We are creating a placeholder variable called T, which is declared after class name <T> and passed it as if T is a data type. This T can be any datatype.
This class can now store any data type in data member variable based on initialization.

Invoking a generic class
Let us see an example of how this is possible. In the following example, we created Datum instance with integer first and with float next. As you can see the same class can be used for different data types.
fun main(args: Array<String>)
 	var dataInt = Datum<Int>(2)
	var dataFloat = Datum<Float>(2.3f)


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