Kotlin Inheritance

Inheritance in Kotlin Object Oriented programming allows us to declare a hierarchy of classes in the form of inheritance. The top class is generally called parent class and the inherited class is child class. The child class "inherits" behavior from parent class. A Child class can specialize the parent class to it's suiting and it can create new behavior as well.
Doing so, we can take reusable components in parent classes and use them in child classes.

The main advantage of inheritance is reusability and runtime polymorphism. For anything that is specific to child classes, we can add specific methods to child classes.

Let us see this with an example.

Parent class
In the following code, we created a parent class called Animal. The parent class contains a function called makeNoise and another function called gotoSleep.

open class Animal
	open fun gotoSleep()

	open fun makeNoise()

Inherited child classes
We can now create child classes. We can inherit the parent class using colon (:) operator. In the following example, we created a class Cat, the inherited from Animal. Overriding methods
We can now override methods in child class to our suiting. The makeNoise method in Animal class is not suitable for a Cat, so we can use override keyword to redefine the makeNoise function, as follows, to a noise more suitable to our feline friends.
class Cat : Animal()
	override fun makeNoise()
Similar to Cat class, we have created Dog class inheriting from Animal as shown below. As you can see we also override makeNoise function specific to doggie.
class Dog : Animal()
	override fun makeNoise()

fun main(args: Array<String>)
		println("Animal Make Noise and goto Sleep")
		var animal = Animal()
		println("Cat Make Noise and goto Sleep")
		animal = Cat()
		println("Dog Make Noise and goto Sleep")
		animal = Dog()

Animal Make Noise and goto Sleep
Cat Make Noise and goto Sleep
Dog Make Noise and goto Sleep

To summarize, We have declared two classes, Cat and Dog, that extend from Animal class.
Both Cat and Dog have inherited from Animal class, and provided their own implementation of makeNoise method.

The makeNoise method of Cat prints Meoowwwww where as the makeNoise method of Dog prints Woooooof. The gotoSleep method is inherited from parent animal class, and it is shared among both Cat and Dog child classes.

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