Kotlin map

A map in Kotlin implements a key value pair dictionary.
You can query the map with a key, and get the value stored in it.

Initializing a map in Kotlin
In the following example, we are creating a map of alphabets. We used the helper function mutableMapOf.

fun main(args: Array<String>)
	val alphabetMap = mutableMapOf("A" to "Apple", "B" to "Ball",
"C" to "Cat")

{A=Apple, B=Ball, C=Cat}

Iterating a Map
We can iterate a Map using for each loop. In the following example, we are iterating through the Map of alphabets and printing each key and value for the alphabet.
fun main(args: Array<String>)
	val alphabetMap = mutableMapOf("A" to "Apple", "B" to "Ball",
"C" to "Cat")

	for((alphabet,word) in alphabetMap)
		println(alphabet + " for " + word)

A for Apple
B for Ball
C for Cat

Popular Implementations of Map in Kotlin
  1. HashMap
  2. LinkedHashMap
  3. TreeMap
Create an immutable map
mapOf returns an immutable map. It means we cannot modify the map. In the following example, we created an immutable map using mapOf inbuilt function. We are mapping numbers to Planets. We can iterate through a map using for loop. We are then iterating through the planets and printing them.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  mapOf<Int, String>( 1 to "Earth", 2 to "Mars", 3 to "Jupiter")

    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets[key])


1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Jupiter

Map get function
Instead of using indexing operator [ ], we can use get method to get value for given key. In the following example, we used the get function to get the value of the planet at the given index as key.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  mapOf<Int, String>( 1 to "Earth", 2 to "Mars", 3 to "Jupiter")

    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))


1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Jupiter

Create a HashMap - modifiable Map
If we want to modify a map after it is created, then we need to use a mutable map. One implementation of mutable map is HashMap. In the following example, we created a HashMap. We can use put method, that takes a key and value as parameters. In the following example, we used the put method to insert Planets into our HashMap.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  HashMap<Int, String>()

    planets.put(1, "Earth");
    planets.put(2, "Mars");
    planets.put(3, "Pluto")

    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))


1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

Replace element in Map - put function
Let us say we want to replace an element in the HashMap. We can use the put method to replace an existing element in the HashMap. In the following example, we used put method to replace Mars with Jupiter.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  HashMap<Int, String>()

    planets.put(1, "Earth");
    planets.put(2, "Mars");
    planets.put(3, "Pluto")

    println("First map = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

    planets.put(2, "Jupiter")

    println("\nAfter replacing = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

First map =
1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

After replacing =
1 = Earth
2 = Jupiter
3 = Pluto

Replace element in Map - replace function
Instead of put function, we can also use replace function to replace value in the HashMap. In the following example, we used replace method to replace the value in the HashMap.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  HashMap<Int, String>()

    planets.put(1, "Earth");
    planets.put(2, "Mars");
    planets.put(3, "Pluto")

    println("First map = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

    planets.replace(2, "Jupiter")

    println("\nAfter replacing = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

First map =
1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

After replacing =
1 = Earth
2 = Jupiter
3 = Pluto

Create map using hashMapOf
Instead of creating a HashMap and then populating it, Kotlin provides an inbuilt hashMapOf, which can be used to create a HashMap and assign entries to the HashMap. In the following example, we used hashMapOf to create a HashMap of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  hashMapOf<Int, String>(1 to "Earth", 2 to "Mars", 3 to "Pluto")

    println("First map = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

    planets.replace(2, "Jupiter")

    println("\nAfter replacing = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

First map =
1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

After replacing =
1 = Earth
2 = Jupiter
3 = Pluto

Create map using mutableMapOf
Kotlin also provides mutableMapOf builtin. This returns us a mutable map. In reality it returns us a LinkedHashMap.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  mutableMapOf<Int, String>()

    planets.put(1, "Earth");
    planets.put(2, "Mars");
    planets.put(3, "Pluto")

    println("First map = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

    planets.replace(2, "Jupiter")

    println("\nAfter replacing = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

First map =
1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

After replacing =
1 = Earth
2 = Jupiter
3 = Pluto

Process finished with exit code 0

Remove an entry from Map
We can remove an entry from the HashMap using remove function. In the following example, we used remove function to remove the Mars from planet hashmap.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.map

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  HashMap<Int, String>()

    planets.put(1, "Earth");
    planets.put(2, "Mars");
    planets.put(3, "Pluto")

    println("First map = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))


    println("\nAfter removing = ")
    for(key in planets.keys)
        println(key.toString() + " = " + planets.get(key))

First map =
1 = Earth
2 = Mars
3 = Pluto

After removing =
1 = Earth
3 = Pluto

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