Kotlin TreeSet

TreeSet is a collection of type Set, the provides maintains sorted order of elements, and also unique elements (property of a Set). TreeSet implements the SortedSet interface. Optionally, we can provide a comparator to specify to the TreeSet how to compare the elements.

In the following example, we created a TreeSet and created a list of Planets in the TreeSet. As you can see the planets are printed in Ascending order of alphabets. Hence, TreeSet is useful if we want to maintain sorted order of inputs.

package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>();

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"));

    for(planet in planets)



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Add element to TreeSet
We can also use add method to add an element to a TreeSet. In the following example, we used add method to add a brand new planet to our solar system.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>();

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"));

    println("============== Before add ================");
    for(planet in planets)


    println("============== After add ================");
    for(planet in planets)

============== Before add ================
============== After add ================

Process finished with exit code 0

Clear elements from TreeSet
We can clear the contents of TreeSet using clear function. In the following example, we are using the clear function to clear the contents of the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"))

    println("============== Before clear ================")
    for(planet in planets)


    println("============== After clear ================")
    println("Planets isEmpty = " + planets.isEmpty())
    for(planet in planets)

============== Before clear ================
============== After clear ================
Planets isEmpty = true

Process finished with exit code 0

Clone Elements from another TreeSet
We can create a shallow clone of a TreeSet using clone function. In the following example, we created clone of the planets using clone function on existing planets TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"))

    println("============== Before clone ================")
    for(planet in planets)

    var cloneOfThePlanets = planets.clone() as TreeSet<String>

    println("============== After clone ================")
    for(planet in cloneOfThePlanets)

============== Before clone ================
============== After clone ================

Process finished with exit code 0

Remove Duplicates from TreeSet
TreeSet cannot contain duplicate elements. In the following example, we demonstrate that TreeSet cannot contain any duplicate elements.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== No Duplicates ================")
    for(planet in planets)

============== No Duplicates ================

Process finished with exit code 0

Access first element in TreeSet
We can access first element in TreeSet using the first function. In the following example, we created a TreeSet and accessed the first element from the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Neptune"))

    println("TreeSet first element = " + planets.first())

TreeSet first element = Earth

Process finished with exit code 0

Access last element in TreeSet
We can access last element in TreeSet using the last function. In the following example, we created a TreeSet and accessed the last element from the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Neptune"))

    println("TreeSet last element = " + planets.last())

TreeSet last element = Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Checking for element in treeset
We can use contains method to check if treeset contains the element or not. In the below example, we are checking if treeset contains the planet Pluto.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Contains Check ================")
    println("Does it contain earth? " + planets.contains("Earth"))
    println("Does it contain Pluto? " + planets.contains("Pluto"))

============== Contains Check ================
Does it contain earth? true
Does it contain Pluto? false

Process finished with exit code 0

Size property of TreeSet
We can use size property to find Count of elements in the TreeSet. We demonstrate a property of TreeSet called size. size property can be used to find out the number of elements in the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Size check ================")
    println("Count of elements in Set " + planets.size)

============== Size check ================
Count of elements in Set 6

Process finished with exit code 0

Removing element from TreeSet
We can use remove method to remove an element from TreeSet. In the below example, we are removing the planet Pluto from the TreeSet of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Remove from TreeSet ================")

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== Remove from TreeSet ================
Planet is Jupiter
Planet is Mars
Planet is Mercury
Planet is Neptune
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Remove element from a TreeSet, when the element does not exists in TreeSet.
What will happen if the element we try to remove is not present in the TreeSet? Nothing, it just does not remove anything. In the below example, we are trying to remove Jupiter from TreeSet of planets, even though Jupiter is not present in the TreeSet of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Remove from TreeSet ================")

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== Remove from TreeSet ================
Planet is Earth
Planet is Jupiter
Planet is Mars
Planet is Mercury
Planet is Neptune
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Remove all elements from TreeSet
We can remove TreeSet of planets altogether using removeAll method. We just need to pass collection of planets to remove. In the below example, we using removeAll method to remove Earth and Jupiter from the TreeSet of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>()

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== RemoveAll from TreeSet ================")
    planets.removeAll(listOf("Earth", "Jupiter"))

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== RemoveAll from TreeSet ================
Planet is Mars
Planet is Mercury
Planet is Neptune
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Remove if condition is met
We can remove elements if a certain condition is met, using a predicate filter. For this Kotlin provides removeIf function. In the below example, we check for the condition of planet name starts with E, and only those planets we remove from the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== RemoveIf from TreeSet ================")
    planets.removeIf { x -> x.startsWith("E") }

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== RemoveIf from TreeSet ================
Planet is Jupiter
Planet is Mars
Planet is Mercury
Planet is Neptune
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Union of two TreeSets
Union of two sets - addAll method. Remember that TreeSet is a Set. There are a few mathematical set operations we can perform on the TreeSet. Union of two sets combines two sets and represents all the elements present in the set. We can perform set union operation in Kotlin using the addAll method. In the following example, we using addAll method, to unite two sets of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth"))
    println("============== Union of two sets ================")

    var planetsTwo = TreeSet<String>();
    planetsTwo.addAll(listOf("Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    // Perform union using addAll method.

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== Union of two sets ================
Planet is Earth
Planet is Jupiter
Planet is Mars
Planet is Mercury
Planet is Neptune
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Intersection of two sets - retainAll method.
Remember that HashSet is a Set. There are a few mathematical set operations we can perform on the TreeSet. Intersection of two sets only shows the elements common to both the sets. We can perform set intersection operation in Kotlin using the retainAll method. In the following example, we using retainAll method, to intersect two sets of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Jupiter"))
    println("============== Intersection of two sets ================")

    var planetsTwo = TreeSet<String>();
    planetsTwo.addAll(listOf("Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune", "Venus"))

    // Perform intersection using retainAll method.

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== Intersection of two sets ================
Planet is Jupiter
Planet is Venus

Process finished with exit code 0

Difference of two sets - removeAll method.
Remember that TreeSet is a Set. There are a few mathematical set operations we can perform on the TreeSet. Difference of two sets only shows the elements in set A, but not present in set B. We can perform set difference operation in Kotlin using the removeAll method. In the following example, we using removeAll method, to perform set difference of two TreeSets of planets.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Jupiter"))
    println("============== Set difference of two sets ================")

    var planetsTwo = TreeSet<String>();
    planetsTwo.addAll(listOf("Mars", "Jupiter", "Venus"))

    // Perform set difference using removeAll method.

    for(planet in planets)
        println("Planet is $planet")

============== Set difference of two sets ================
Planet is Earth
Planet is Mercury

Process finished with exit code 0

Count of elements in TreeSet
We can get the count of elements in TreeSet using count function. In the below example, we are using the count function to get the count for the number of planets in the TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Count in TreeSet ================")

    println("Count of elements in TreeSet = " + planets.count())

============== Count in TreeSet ================
Count of elements in TreeSet = 6

Process finished with exit code 0

Count elements using filter
We can also pass a predicate filter to count function, if we want to get count based on some condition. In the following example, we are counting the number of planets that start with the letter E.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Count predicate in TreeSet ================")

    var numOfPlanetsStartingWithE = planets.count { x -> x.startsWith("E") }

    println("Count of planets starting with E in TreeSet = " + numOfPlanetsStartingWithE)

============== Count predicate in TreeSet ================
Count of planets starting with E in TreeSet = 1

Process finished with exit code 0

Check for emptiness of TreeSet
We can check for emptiness of a TreeSet using isEmpty function. In the following example, we check if TreeSet of planets is empty or not and print a message accordingly.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var planets = TreeSet<String>()
    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Neptune"))

    println("============== Planets isEmpty check in TreeSet ================")

        println("Planets TreeSet is empty!")
        println("Planets TreeSet is NOT Empty!")

============== Planets isEmpty check in TreeSet ================
Planets TreeSet is empty!

Process finished with exit code 0

Maximum value in TreeSet
We can use the max function on TreeSet to find the maximum element. In the below example, we used max function to determine the highest integer in our TreeSet.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var theNumbers =  TreeSet<Int>()
    theNumbers.addAll(listOf(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42))

    println("============== TreeSet - theNumbers Max Value ================")

    var maxValue = theNumbers.max()

    println("TreeSet Max Value = $maxValue")

============== TreeSet - theNumbers Max Value ================
TreeSet Max Value = 42

Process finished with exit code 0

Minimum value in TreeSet
We can use the min function on treeset to find the minimum element. In the below example, we used min function to determine the smallest integer in our treeset.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var theNumbers = TreeSet<Int>()
    theNumbers.addAll(listOf(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42))

    println("============== TreeSet - theNumbers Min Value ================")

    var minValue = theNumbers.min()

    println("TreeSet Min Value = $minValue")

============== TreeSet - theNumbers Min Value ================
TreeSet Min Value = 4

Process finished with exit code 0

Comparator in TreeSet
Optionally, we can provide a comparator to specify to the treeset how to compare the elements. This is useful feature if we want to tweak the default sorting nature of the treeset. In the following example, we created a new comparator - DescendingOrderStringComparator which implements the Comparator interface.

It implements the compare method, and does a compareTo of string2 with string1. This leads to strings being sorted in descending order to whoever tries to use this comparator. And in the TreeSet, we have another constructor, which takes a Comparator as parameter. So we conveniently created a new instance of DescendingOrderStringComparator and passed the same to the TreeSet constructor.

As you can see from the results, the Planets are now sorted in descending order.
package com.cosmiclearn.kotlin.treeset

import java.util.TreeSet

class DescendingOrderStringComparator : Comparator<String>
    override fun compare(string1: String, string2: String): Int 
        // By comparing string2 to string1, we make it descending comparator.
        return string2.compareTo(string1)

fun main(args: Array<String>)
    var descendingComparator = DescendingOrderStringComparator();
    var planets =  TreeSet<String>(descendingComparator);

    planets.addAll(listOf("Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"));

    for(planet in planets)



Process finished with exit code 0

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