Python f-strings
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Python's f-Strings, introduced in Python 3.6, provide a concise, readable, and powerful way to embed expressions within string literals. f-Strings are prefixed with an `f` or `F` and allow you to insert values and expressions inside curly braces `{}`, making it easy to dynamically construct strings.
1. Basic Syntax of f-Strings
The basic syntax for an f-String allows you to directly insert variable values into a string.Example: Basic variable interpolation with f-Strings.
name = "Alice"
age = 30
# Using f-Strings to include variables in a string
greeting = f"Hello, my name is {name} and I am {age} years old."
# Output: Hello, my name is Alice and I am 30 years old.
Hello, my name is Alice and I am 30 years old.
2. Expression Evaluation Inside f-Strings
f-Strings allow you to include expressions directly within the braces, providing greater flexibility.Example: Performing calculations within an f-String.
x = 10
y = 5
# Using expressions within an f-String
result = f"The sum of {x} and {y} is {x + y}, and their product is {x * y}."
# Output: The sum of 10 and 5 is 15, and their product is 50.
The sum of 10 and 5 is 15, and their product is 50.
3. Formatting Numbers with f-Strings
You can use f-Strings to format numbers with specific decimal places or to include thousands separators.Example: Formatting a floating-point number.
price = 1234.56789
# Formatting the number to two decimal places and adding a thousands separator
formatted_price = f"The price is ${price:,.2f}."
# Output: The price is $1,234.57.
The price is $1,234.57.
4. Aligning and Padding Text
f-Strings support alignment and padding, making it easy to format text for reports or tables.Example: Left-align, center-align, and right-align text with padding.
title = "Python"
left_aligned = f"|{title:<10}|"
center_aligned = f"|{title:^10}|"
right_aligned = f"|{title:>10}|"
# Output:
# |Python |
# | Python |
# | Python|
|Python |
| Python |
| Python|
- `{title:<10}` left-aligns `title` within a width of 10.
- `{title:^10}` centers `title` within a width of 10.
- `{title:>10}` right-aligns `title` within a width of 10.
Each format specifies the alignment and width, producing a structured output.
5. Using f-Strings with Dictionaries
f-Strings can access values from dictionaries directly, making them useful for dynamically constructed strings.Example: Accessing dictionary values with f-Strings.
person = {"name": "Bob", "age": 40}
# Accessing dictionary values in an f-String
description = f"{person['name']} is {person['age']} years old."
# Output: Bob is 40 years old.
Bob is 40 years old.
6. Nesting f-Strings
You can nest f-Strings by assigning f-String expressions to variables and then using those variables in other f-Strings.Example: Using a nested f-String.
name = "Charlie"
greeting = f"Hello, {name}"
message = f"{greeting}, welcome to the Python tutorial."
# Output: Hello, Charlie, welcome to the Python tutorial.
Hello, Charlie, welcome to the Python tutorial.
7. Conditional Expressions Inside f-Strings
f-Strings support conditional expressions, allowing you to include conditional logic directly within the string.Example: Using a conditional expression in an f-String.
score = 85
result = f"You {'passed' if score >= 50 else 'failed'} the test."
# Output: You passed the test.
You passed the test.
8. Escaping Curly Braces
If you need to include literal curly braces `{}` in an f-String, you can escape them by doubling the braces.Example: Displaying curly braces within an f-String.
# Escaping curly braces by doubling them
expression = f"The result of {{x + y}} is {10 + 5}"
# Output: The result of {x + y} is 15
The result of {x + y} is 15
9. Calling Functions Inside f-Strings
You can call functions directly within f-Strings to display their return values.Example: Calling a function inside an f-String.
def greet(name):
return f"Hello, {name}"
# Calling a function inside an f-String
message = f"{greet('Dana')}! Welcome to the course."
# Output: Hello, Dana! Welcome to the course.
Hello, Dana! Welcome to the course.
10. Conclusion
f-Strings provide a powerful way to format strings with embedded expressions, function calls, conditional logic, and more. Their readability, conciseness, and versatility make them a go-to choice for dynamic string formatting in Python, allowing for a wide range of uses in both simple and complex scenarios.