Python Multithreading

Multithreading is a programming technique that allows multiple threads to run concurrently within a single process. It is commonly used to improve the performance of applications, particularly those that involve I/O-bound tasks, by enabling parallel execution and better resource utilization.

Key Concepts of Multithreading

1. Thread:
- A thread is a lightweight process that shares the same memory space as other threads within the same application. Threads within a process can communicate easily because they share the same data.

2. Concurrency:
- Multithreading allows multiple threads to execute concurrently, making it possible to perform multiple operations at once. This is especially useful for applications that require waiting for external resources, such as file I/O or network calls.

3. Global Interpreter Lock (GIL):
- In Python, the GIL prevents multiple native threads from executing Python bytecodes at once. This means that multithreading can be less effective for CPU-bound tasks in Python but can still be beneficial for I/O-bound tasks.

4. Thread Creation:
- Threads can be created in several ways, typically through threading libraries or frameworks provided by programming languages.

5. Synchronization:
- When multiple threads access shared resources, synchronization mechanisms (like locks, semaphores, and condition variables) are needed to prevent race conditions and ensure data integrity.

Advantages of Multithreading

- Improved Performance: For I/O-bound applications, multithreading can significantly improve performance by allowing other threads to run while one thread is waiting for an I/O operation to complete.

- Resource Sharing: Threads share the same memory space, making data sharing between threads straightforward and efficient.

- Responsiveness: In user interfaces, multithreading helps keep applications responsive by offloading long-running tasks to background threads.


- Complexity: Writing multithreaded applications can introduce complexity, especially when dealing with synchronization and shared data.

- Debugging Difficulty: Multithreaded applications can be harder to debug due to race conditions and timing issues.

- GIL Limitation: In Python, the GIL can limit performance for CPU-bound tasks, reducing the benefits of multithreading.

Use Cases

- Web Servers: Handling multiple client requests simultaneously.

- User Interfaces: Keeping the UI responsive while performing background tasks.

- Network Applications: Managing multiple network connections efficiently.

Multithreading is a powerful technique for improving application performance and responsiveness, particularly in scenarios involving I/O-bound operations.

Python's threading module allows for concurrent execution of tasks, or threads, within a single program. This can improve performance when tasks can run in parallel, particularly I/O-bound tasks. Each thread runs independently, sharing the same memory space, which allows for more efficient memory usage but requires careful management of shared resources.

1. Importing the threading Module

To work with threads, import the threading module, which provides all the necessary functions and classes to create and manage threads.
import threading

2. Creating and Starting a Thread

To create a thread, define a function that will be executed by the thread and then instantiate a Thread object with the target function. Start the thread using the start() method.
import threading
import time

def print_numbers():
    for i in range(1, 6):
        print(f"Number: {i}")

# Create and start the thread
number_thread = threading.Thread(target=print_numbers)

# Join the thread to ensure main thread waits
print("Main thread finished execution.")


Number: 1
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5
Main thread finished execution.
Explanation: Here, print_numbers() runs in a separate thread, counting up while the main thread waits for it to complete using join().

3. Creating Multiple Threads

Multiple threads can run different tasks in parallel. Each thread runs independently of the others, though they can be coordinated as necessary.
import threading

def task_1():
    for i in range(3):
        print("Task 1 - Step", i + 1)

def task_2():
    for i in range(3):
        print("Task 2 - Step", i + 1)

# Create threads for both tasks
thread_1 = threading.Thread(target=task_1)
thread_2 = threading.Thread(target=task_2)

# Start both threads

# Wait for both threads to finish
print("Both threads completed.")


Task 1 - Step 1
Task 2 - Step 1
Task 1 - Step 2
Task 2 - Step 2
Task 1 - Step 3
Task 2 - Step 3
Both threads completed.
Explanation: Both task_1 and task_2 execute in parallel, demonstrating how Python handles multiple threads. The output order may vary due to thread scheduling.

4. Using Thread Subclasses

A custom thread class can be created by subclassing Thread. This approach allows more control over thread behavior.
class CustomThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
        for i in range(3):
            print(f"{} - Step {i + 1}")

# Create and start two custom threads
thread_a = CustomThread(name="Thread A")
thread_b = CustomThread(name="Thread B")


print("Custom threads finished.")


Thread A - Step 1
Thread B - Step 1
Thread A - Step 2
Thread B - Step 2
Thread A - Step 3
Thread B - Step 3
Custom threads finished.
Explanation: Each CustomThread instance runs independently with unique names, which are helpful for distinguishing thread actions.

5. Thread Synchronization with Locks

Locks are essential to prevent race conditions when threads access shared resources concurrently. Use Lock() to ensure only one thread accesses a critical section at a time.
balance = 100
lock = threading.Lock()

def withdraw(amount):
    global balance
    with lock:
        if balance >= amount:
            balance -= amount
            print(f"Withdrew {amount}. Remaining balance: {balance}")
            print("Insufficient funds")

# Creating two threads that attempt to withdraw money simultaneously
t1 = threading.Thread(target=withdraw, args=(50,))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=withdraw, args=(80,))


print("Final balance:", balance)


Withdrew 50. Remaining balance: 50
Insufficient funds
Final balance: 50
Explanation: The with lock statement ensures that only one thread executes the withdrawal at a time, preventing data corruption in the balance variable.

6. Using the ThreadPoolExecutor for Managing Thread Pools

ThreadPoolExecutor in the concurrent.futures module provides a high-level API for managing a pool of threads and distributing tasks among them.
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def square(n):
    return n * n

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor:
    results =, range(1, 6))

print("Squares:", list(results))


Squares: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
Explanation: ThreadPoolExecutor manages up to three threads simultaneously to calculate squares, distributing the workload automatically.

7. Daemon Threads

A daemon thread runs in the background and exits when the main program exits. To make a thread a daemon, set daemon=True.
def background_task():
    while True:
        print("Running background task...")

# Set thread as daemon
daemon_thread = threading.Thread(target=background_task, daemon=True)

print("Main thread is done!")


Running background task...
Main thread is done!
Explanation: Since daemon_thread is a daemon, it stops running when the main program completes.

8. Managing Thread Execution Order with Event

An Event is a simple way to synchronize threads. A thread can wait for an event to occur before proceeding.
event = threading.Event()

def wait_for_event():
    print("Waiting for the event to be set.")
    event.wait()  # Block until event is set
    print("Event has been set, proceeding.")

# Start a thread that waits for an event
waiting_thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_event)

# Simulate some work, then set the event
print("Setting the event.")



Waiting for the event to be set.
Setting the event.
Event has been set, proceeding.
Explanation: The wait_for_event() function waits for the event to be set, allowing for controlled execution.

9. Controlling Thread Lifetime with join() and is_alive()

The join() method ensures that the main thread waits for other threads to complete. The is_alive() method checks if a thread is still running.
def task():
    print("Task complete.")

# Start a thread
t = threading.Thread(target=task)

# Check if the thread is alive
print("Thread is alive:", t.is_alive())

# Wait for the thread to complete
print("Thread is alive after join:", t.is_alive())


Thread is alive: True
Task complete.
Thread is alive after join: False
Explanation: is_alive() checks the thread status, showing True while it's running and False after completion.


The threading module provides flexible tools for creating, managing, and synchronizing threads in Python. By utilizing locks, events, and thread pools, we can handle concurrent tasks effectively while maintaining thread safety.

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