Paramiko SFTP

SFTP, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a secure version of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that facilitates the transfer of files over a secure, encrypted connection. Unlike FTP, which transmits data in plaintext, SFTP ensures that both the commands and the data are encrypted, providing a higher level of security.

Key Features of SFTP

Security: Encrypts data during transfer, protecting it from interception and eavesdropping.

Authentication: Supports various authentication methods, including password and public key authentication.

File Management: Allows users to manage files on the server, including uploading, downloading, deleting, and renaming files.

Firewall Friendly: Operates over a single port (typically port 22), making it easier to configure through firewalls.

Use Cases

Transferring Sensitive Data: Ideal for businesses that need to send confidential files securely.

Remote File Management: Useful for managing files on remote servers, especially in web hosting and development environments.

Paramiko is a Python library used to create SSH connections and perform SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) operations, which allow for secure file transfers over a network. Here’s a highly detailed guide to using `Paramiko` for SFTP, with explanations and code outputs to illustrate each step.

Step 1: Install Paramiko

First, install Paramiko using pip.
pip install paramiko

Step 2: Set Up Connection to the SFTP Server

To use SFTP with `Paramiko`, you’ll need to connect to the server using SSH credentials. Here’s how you initiate an SSH connection, which will enable SFTP capabilities.
import paramiko

# Define connection details
hostname = ""
port = 22  # Default SFTP port
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

# Create an SSH client instance
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()

# Automatically accept unknown host keys

# Establish SSH connection
ssh_client.connect(hostname, port, username, password)
print("SSH Connection Established")

# Open an SFTP session on the SSH connection
sftp = ssh_client.open_sftp()
print("SFTP Session Started")


SSH Connection Established
SFTP Session Started

- `paramiko.SSHClient()`: Creates an instance of an SSH client, enabling SSH connections to a remote server.
- `set_missing_host_key_policy`: Automatically adds the server’s key if it’s not already known, which is helpful for first-time connections.
- `connect`: Initiates the SSH connection using the provided credentials.
- `open_sftp`: Opens an SFTP session within the SSH connection, giving us the ability to interact with remote files.

Step 3: List Files on the Remote Server

Using the `listdir()` method, you can retrieve a list of files in a specified remote directory. This will help verify that the connection is working and that files are accessible.
# List files in the home directory of the remote server
file_list = sftp.listdir()
print("Files in Remote Directory:", file_list)


Files in Remote Directory: ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'docs', 'images']
- `sftp.listdir()`: Fetches a list of files in the specified directory. If no directory is specified, it lists the files in the current working directory.

Step 4: Download a File from the Remote Server

The `get()` method allows you to download files from the remote server to your local machine. Specify the remote path and local path for the file.
# Download a file from remote server to local machine
remote_file_path = "/remote/path/to/file1.txt"
local_file_path = "/local/path/to/file1.txt"

sftp.get(remote_file_path, local_file_path)
print(f"Downloaded {remote_file_path} to {local_file_path}")


Downloaded /remote/path/to/file1.txt to /local/path/to/file1.txt
- `sftp.get(remote_path, local_path)`: Downloads a file from the remote server (`remote_path`) to the local machine (`local_path`).

Step 5: Upload a File to the Remote Server

Use the `put()` method to upload a file from your local machine to the server.
# Upload a file from local machine to remote server
local_file_path = "/local/path/to/upload.txt"
remote_file_path = "/remote/path/to/upload.txt"

sftp.put(local_file_path, remote_file_path)
print(f"Uploaded {local_file_path} to {remote_file_path}")


Uploaded /local/path/to/upload.txt to /remote/path/to/upload.txt
- `sftp.put(local_path, remote_path)`: Uploads a local file to the specified path on the remote server.

Step 6: Rename a File on the Remote Server

The `rename()` method renames files on the server. This is helpful for managing file organization on the server directly.
# Rename a file on the remote server
original_file_path = "/remote/path/to/upload.txt"
renamed_file_path = "/remote/path/to/upload_renamed.txt"

sftp.rename(original_file_path, renamed_file_path)
print(f"Renamed {original_file_path} to {renamed_file_path}")


Renamed /remote/path/to/upload.txt to /remote/path/to/upload_renamed.txt
- `sftp.rename(original_path, new_path)`: Renames a file from `original_path` to `new_path` on the remote server.

Step 7: Delete a File on the Remote Server

The `remove()` method allows you to delete files on the server. This can be helpful for clearing old or unnecessary files remotely.
# Delete a file on the remote server
file_to_delete = "/remote/path/to/upload_renamed.txt"

print(f"Deleted {file_to_delete}")


Deleted /remote/path/to/upload_renamed.txt
- `sftp.remove(path)`: Deletes the specified file on the remote server.

Step 8: Create and Remove Directories on the Remote Server

You can manage directories on the remote server by creating and removing them.
# Create a directory on the remote server
directory_to_create = "/remote/path/to/new_directory"
print(f"Created directory {directory_to_create}")

# Remove a directory on the remote server
directory_to_remove = "/remote/path/to/new_directory"
print(f"Removed directory {directory_to_remove}")


Created directory /remote/path/to/new_directory
Removed directory /remote/path/to/new_directory
- `sftp.mkdir(path)`: Creates a directory at the specified `path`.
- `sftp.rmdir(path)`: Removes an empty directory at the specified `path`.

Step 9: Retrieving File Metadata

Use the `stat()` method to retrieve metadata, such as file size and permissions, for a remote file.
# Get metadata of a file
file_metadata = sftp.stat(remote_file_path)
print("File Size:", file_metadata.st_size)
print("File Permissions:", file_metadata.st_mode)


File Size: 1234
File Permissions: 33188
- `sftp.stat(path)`: Returns metadata for the specified file, including file size (`st_size`) and permissions (`st_mode`).

Step 10: Close the SFTP and SSH Connections

Always close the SFTP and SSH connections when finished.
# Close the SFTP session and SSH connection
print("SFTP and SSH sessions closed.")


SFTP and SSH sessions closed.
- `sftp.close()`: Closes the SFTP session.
- `ssh_client.close()`: Ends the SSH connection to free up resources and ensure security.

Full Example Script

Here’s the complete code with all steps integrated.
import paramiko

# Connection details
hostname = ""
port = 22
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

# Initialize SSH client
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.connect(hostname, port, username, password)
sftp = ssh_client.open_sftp()

# Perform file operations
sftp.get("/remote/path/file1.txt", "/local/path/file1.txt")
sftp.put("/local/path/file1.txt", "/remote/path/file2.txt")
sftp.rename("/remote/path/file2.txt", "/remote/path/file2_renamed.txt")

# Close connections
print("SFTP and SSH sessions closed.")
By following this tutorial, you should be able to confidently use Paramiko to perform a wide range of SFTP operations in Python.


The paramiko library allows Python programs to securely connect to an SFTP server, transfer files, and manage directories over SSH. Its operations cover connecting and authenticating, uploading, downloading, renaming, and deleting files, making it suitable for secure and reliable file management needs.

Previous: ftplib | Next: Python imaplib
