Python yield
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The `yield` statement in Python is used to create generator functions, which return an iterator one value at a time. Unlike `return`, which ends the function’s execution and sends back a single value, `yield` pauses the function, saving its current state and returning a value. When the function is called again, it resumes from where it left off, making it ideal for managing sequences or large data sets efficiently.
How yield Works
When a function contains yield, it does not return a single value and exit; instead, it returns a generator object that can be iterated over. Each time the generator’s __next__() method is called (or when you iterate over it), the function runs until it hits the next yield statement, which provides a value and pauses the function's state.Benefits of Using yield
Memory Efficiency: Only one value is generated at a time, reducing memory consumption compared to creating and storing a large list.Lazy Evaluation: Values are computed only when needed, which can improve performance, especially with large datasets.
Simplified Code: Generators can simplify the implementation of iterators, making the code cleaner and more readable.
Use Cases
Processing Streams of Data: Useful for reading large files or streaming data where you don't want to load everything into memory at once.Infinite Sequences: You can create infinite sequences without the risk of running out of memory.
1. Basics of `yield`
To use `yield`, define a function as you normally would but include `yield` instead of `return`. Calling the function does not execute the function immediately; it instead returns a generator object.# A simple generator function
def generate_numbers():
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
# Creating a generator
gen = generate_numbers()
print("Generator:", gen)
# Accessing values in the generator
for value in gen:
print("Generated:", value)
Generator: <generator object generate_numbers at 0x7fdce8a50ac0>
Generated: 1
Generated: 2
Generated: 3
2. Difference Between `yield` and `return`
The main difference between `yield` and `return` is that `return` exits the function entirely and sends back a single value. `yield`, however, pauses the function's state and can return multiple values over time.# Using return
def return_example():
return 1
return 2 # This line is never reached
print("Return Example:", return_example())
# Using yield
def yield_example():
yield 1
yield 2
# Output from yield example
for value in yield_example():
print("Yield Example:", value)
Return Example: 1
Yield Example: 1
Yield Example: 2
3. Using `yield` in a Loop
A common use case for `yield` is within loops, where each iteration yields the next value. This is especially useful for processing or generating large sequences on-the-fly without consuming excessive memory.def countdown(n):
while n > 0:
yield n
n -= 1
# Output countdown from 5
for value in countdown(5):
print("Counting down:", value)
Counting down: 5
Counting down: 4
Counting down: 3
Counting down: 2
Counting down: 1
4. `yield` in Recursive Generators
You can use `yield` in recursive functions for generating items from a nested structure:# Recursive generator function
def flatten(nested_list):
for item in nested_list:
if isinstance(item, list):
yield from flatten(item) # Recursively yield items from nested lists
yield item
# Flattening a nested list
nested = [1, [2, [3, 4]], 5]
for value in flatten(nested):
print("Flattened value:", value)
Flattened value: 1
Flattened value: 2
Flattened value: 3
Flattened value: 4
Flattened value: 5
5. Stateful Generators with `yield`
Because `yield` pauses function execution, it’s possible to maintain state across function calls, allowing it to keep track of previous values or conditions.def fibonacci_sequence():
a, b = 0, 1
while True:
yield a
a, b = b, a + b
# Generating first 5 Fibonacci numbers
fib = fibonacci_sequence()
for _ in range(5):
print("Fibonacci number:", next(fib))
Fibonacci number: 0
Fibonacci number: 1
Fibonacci number: 1
Fibonacci number: 2
Fibonacci number: 3
6. Passing Values to a Generator with `send()`
Generators can receive external values via `send()`, which passes a value back to the `yield` expression, allowing communication with the generator from outside.def running_total():
total = 0
while True:
num = yield total
total += num
# Using the generator
gen = running_total()
print("Initial Total:", next(gen)) # Initialize the generator
print("Running Total:", gen.send(10)) # Add 10
print("Running Total:", gen.send(20)) # Add 20
print("Running Total:", gen.send(5)) # Add 5
Initial Total: 0
Running Total: 10
Running Total: 30
Running Total: 35
7. Using `yield` with `Generator Expressions`
`yield` and `generator expressions` offer memory-efficient ways to create iterators on-the-fly. Generator expressions are similar to list comprehensions but produce items lazily:# List comprehension (eager evaluation)
squares_list = [x ** 2 for x in range(5)]
print("List comprehension squares:", squares_list)
# Generator expression (lazy evaluation)
squares_gen = (x ** 2 for x in range(5))
print("Generator expression squares:", list(squares_gen))
List comprehension squares: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
Generator expression squares: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
8. Memory Efficiency of `yield`
The memory efficiency of `yield` is especially noticeable when working with large datasets. Instead of storing all values in memory, `yield` generates items only when needed.def large_range():
for i in range(1_000_000):
yield i
# Generator for large range
large_gen = large_range()
print("First value:", next(large_gen))
print("Second value:", next(large_gen))
First value: 0
Second value: 1
Python’s `yield` provides an efficient and powerful way to manage sequences, allowing for memory-friendly, lazy evaluation and supporting complex use cases like recursive generators, stateful processing, and on-the-fly computations. The `yield` statement is key to generator functions, making Python well-suited for handling large data streams and building concise, flexible, and maintainable code.